I almost didn't read this one. I started to, panicked, scrolled back to the top to navigate off this page, and just about ran away, but then I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, recognized where my avoidance was coming from, and navigated back to the last paragraph I read. Then I read the rest and started sobbing. I'm sobbing now writing this sentence. I feel cracked wide open. I have answers to all of the "If not this, then what?" questions you've posed, and it's once again made it clear that I am not doing the work I want to be doing. I keep circling back to this feeling every six months or so, and I need to stop running from that truth or I'm going to wake up in twenty years and realize I stayed stuck doing something because it was the safe thing, the thing that is expected of me. I can't just up end what I'm doing because I'm not in the financial position to do so and I'm working with a family member to help them realize their dream, which is not the worst way to make a living for certain, but I did need the reminder that I have to make room for my purpose, my dreams, and figure out a real exit strategy. So thank you for making me cry this morning, I definitely needed it.

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Thank you so much. For sharing yourself with us, and sharing this today of all days.

As I am service my notice period, left with 7 working days, at a large corporate.

After finishing exactly 15 years just bending over backwards in manners that would make a contortionist blush...

Today, when my decision to jump ship without a safety net has been questioned by even those who I'd hoped would just give me comfort even if they don't agree with my choices...

But I'm here. I stand firm with my decision. And I feel validated after reading this.

Thank you. I wish you well

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Thank you for sharing. I’m currently struggling to find passion within my career and trying to determine what I want to do next. It plagues me with anxiety almost daily. I know someday I’ll figure it out, but it is not easy. This post has provided some insights that I need to consider, so thank you!

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I just received my first book from you. I got Speech Therapy. Let me tell you it came exactly when I needed it. I question myself on almost everything I do and have done in the past. This week has been an incredibly hard, draining, horrible week for me. This week, I've said "I can't catch a break" more times than I can remember. Then I opened my new book and BOOM, "Just can't catch a break" was in there.

I needed to read that so badly, of course I cried while doing so lol.

Thanks again for all of your words you put out there for us. Thanks for singing my book as well, that was a nice surprise!

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Thank you for this. It was actually just what I needed today.

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We don't need "5 Things", we just need you, writing. Thank you for this one.

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"If your novel that never hits a best-seller list makes at least one person feel less alone—isn’t that purpose enough?"

I believe it's not only made one person feel less alone but saved and redirected many lives towards purpose and restored it. This was by far the best newsletter I've read Capt! Thank you for sharing your personal experiences, it was so inspiring to read it and question life decisions in the process, to help us realise we are not alone. Hitting rock bottom cripples the mind with the struggle of emotions, confidence and redirection through personal issues, career, sometimes waking up in the morning to only hate ourselves admidst navigating through layers of pain, hurt and regret. This is just what I needed today and it takes the weight off my mind. Thank you for your marvellous work through words that keeps us readers here focused. We appreciate it, may you have a great week ahead!

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Your words (wisdom) is inspirational.

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Yes. Thank you for the reminder. We attract what we put out.

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Thank you, this was helpful and it is always encouraging hearing the way you articulate things. Especially the space you give yourself to struggle through these things. Sending lots of love to you and your family.

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Thank you..great way to start the week

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We love you! Thank you, as always, for sharing your hard-earned wisdom with us.

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Best newsletter in a minute! We appreciate you, Capt 🫶🏻

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